Junyao Kuang

Junyao Kuang

PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kansas State University
Email:kuang (at) ksu.edu
Office: DUE 3064


Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Kansas State University, 08/2018-Present

M.S., Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 08/2016-07/2018

B.S., Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 09/2011-07/2016

Research Interests

Complex Networks, Graph neural network


Kuang, J. and Scoglio, C., 2021. Network Structure and Feature Learning from Rich but Noisy Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.02630. (under review)

Kuang, J., Buchon, N., Michel, K. and Scoglio, C., 2022. A global Anopheles gambiae gene co-expression network constructed from hundreds of experimental conditions with missing values. BMC Bioinformatics, 23.

Kuang, Junyao, and Caterina Scoglio. "Layer reconstruction and missing link prediction of a multilayer network with maximum a posteriori estimation." Physical Review E 104, no. 2 (2021): 024301.

Wang, Gaolin, Junyao Kuang, Nannan Zhao, Guoqiang Zhang, and Dianguo Xu. Rotor Position Estimation of PMSM in Low-Speed Region and Standstill Using Zero-Voltage Vector Injection. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.