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K-State Epicenter

K-State Epicenter

Kansas State University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
3083 Engineering Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Phone: (785) 532-4646

Hours: 8 am-12pm, 1pm-5pm M-F

Phillip Schumm

SchummFormer Doctoral Student

Electrical Engineering

Kansas State University

Email: pbschumm@ksu.edu

Office: 1-785-532-4690




About Me

I studied for a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at Kansas State University under the respected Dr. Caterina Scoglio and graduated on Friday the 13th of December, 2013.

Research Interests

Complex Networks, Epidemiology, Modeling and Simulation

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant - Introduction to Computer Engineering, ECE 241 F13

Teaching Assistant - Circuit Theory I, ECE 410 F13

Teaching Assistant – Circuit Theory II, ECE 511 S13

Teaching Assistant – Advanced System Theory, ECE 830 F12

Taught 2 lectures - Epidemics on Networks ECE 890 F10

Lead help session - Electric Circuits and Controls EECE 519 Su07, F07, Spr08

Publications and Presentations

Journal Publications

- S. Pahwa, M. Youssef, P. Schumm, C. Scoglio, and N. Schulz, "Optimal Intentional Islanding to Enhance the Robustness of Power Grid Networks", Physica A, vol. 392, no. 17, pp. 3741–3754, 2013.

- P. Schumm, W. Schumm, C. Scoglio, "Impact of Preventive Responses to Epidemics in Rural Regions," PLOS ONE 8(3): e59028, March 2013.

- P. Schumm and C. Scoglio, “Bloom: A stochastic growth-based fast method of community detection in networks,” Journal of Computational Science, Volume 3, Issue 5, pp. 356–366, September 2012.

- M. Parchman, C. Scoglio, and P. Schumm, "Understanding the Implementation of Evidence-Based Care: A Structural Network Approach," Implementation Science 2011, vol. 6, article 14, February 2011.

- A. Sydney, C. Scoglio, M. Youssef, and P. Schumm, “Characterising the robustness of complex networks,” International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 291 - 320, 2010.

- P. Van Mieghem, X. Ge, P. Schumm, S. Trajanovski, and H. Wang, “Spectral graph analysis of modularity and assortativity,” Physical Review E, vol. 82, no. 5, p. 056113, Nov. 2010.

- C. Scoglio, W. Schumm, P. Schumm, T. Easton, S. Roy Chowdhury, A. Sydney, and M. Youssef, "Efficient Mitigation Strategies for Epidemics in Rural Regions," PLoS ONE 5(7): e11569, July 2010.

- P. Schumm, C.M. Scoglio, and D. van der Merwe, "A network model of successive partitioning-limited solute diffusion through the stratum corneum," Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 262, Feb. 2010, pp. 471-477.

- R. Gehring, P. Schumm, M. Youssef, and C. Scoglio, "A network-based approach for resistance transmission in bacterial populations," Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 262, Jan. 2010, pp. 97-106.

Conference Publications

- P. Schumm, W. Schumm, C. Scoglio, “Impact of Preventive Behavioral Responses to Epidemics in Rural Regions,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Computational Science 2013., vol. 18, pp. 631–640, Barcelona, June 2013.

- C. Scoglio, H. Liu, P. Schumm, and A. Lyubinin, “Epirur_Cattle: A spatially explicit agent-based simulator of beef cattle movements,” Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Computational Science 2012., Omaha, Nebraska, June 2012.

- R.E. Kooij, P. Schumm, C. Scoglio, and M. Youssef, "A New Metric for Robustness with Respect to Virus Spread," Proceedings of the 8th International IFIP-TC 6 Networking Conference, Aachen, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 562-572.

- A. Sydney, C. Scoglio, P. Schumm, and R.E. Kooij, "Elasticity: topological characterization of robustness in complex networks," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems, Hyogo, Japan: ICST, 2008, pp. 1-8.

- P. Schumm, C. Scoglio, D. Gruenbacher, and T. Easton, "Epidemic spreading on weighted contact networks," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems, 2007., Budapest, Hungary: 2007, pp. 201-208. PDF


- Presentation of “US livestock movements among population-stratified counties,” at the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) Annual Meeting, Nebraska City, Nebraska, April 22-24, 2013.

- Presentation of “Epirur_Cattle: A spatially explicit agent-based simulator of beef cattle movements,” at the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Computational Science 2012, Omaha, Nebraska, June 4-6, 2012.

- Presentation of “Dynamics of Humans and Cattle in Rural Regions” at the Epidemics3 conference in Boston. (poster) . From November 29 to December 2, 2011. Video available athttp://www.youtube.com/user/Epidemics3?feature=watch

- Presentation of “Detecting key locations in rural communities to reach critical individuals for epidemic spreading” at the National Research Council - Complex Systems Institute, Rome 14 June 2011.

- Presentation of “A Growth-based Fast Algorithm for Community Detection in Networks” at “The International Conference on Network Science” Budapest, 6-10 June, 2011.

- Presentation of “Detecting key locations in rural communities to reach critical individuals for epidemic spreading” at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Conference “Modeling for Public Health Action: From Epidemiology to Operations,” Atlanta, December 9-10, 2010.

- Presentation of “A survey of Sunflower Networking projects" for the Network Architectures and Services group within the department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, July 30, 2010

- Presentation of “A distributed algorithm for community detection” at The International Conference on Network Science 2010 (NetSci 2010), MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass. May 10-14, 2010.

- Presentation of “A complex network approach to control epidemics in rural regions,” (poster and video) at NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Luncheon for U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C., July 7-8, 2009. Video available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBMWM4iAGOA

- Presented paper at IEEE/ACM BIONETICS December 2007, Budapest, Hungary

- Caterina Scoglio, Todd Easton, Phillip Schumm, Don Gruenbacher "Controlling Epidemic Outbreaks through Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Complex Networks" Presentation at THE NABC FORUM August 2007. PDF preprint


- Visits to the Computational Epidemiology Laboratory at the Institute for Scientific Interchange, Turin, Italy. From June 19 to July 29, 2011 & June 27 to July 12, 2012.

- Visit to the Network Architectures and Services (NAS) Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. From June 16 to July 30, 2010.