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K-State Epicenter

K-State Epicenter

Kansas State University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
3083 Engineering Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Phone: (785) 532-4646

Hours: 8 am-12pm, 1pm-5pm M-F

Beefing up the Beef Transport System

This project aims at integrating a large multidisciplinary team, and starting a thorough data collection on the beef cattle infrastructure and the interdependent transport system. Immediate outcomes of this GFSI project will be (1) development of a synergetic collaborative team in the multidisciplinary topic of critical interdependent infrastructures applied to the food and agricultural sector, (2) achievement of a strategic advantage toward a larger project concerning interdependent beef production system, and (3) integration with other related programs at Kansas State University, such as the Secure Beef Supply Initiative and the Food Science Institute.

Duration May 1 2015 - April 30 2016


Caterina Scoglio
Gary Brase
Michael Sanderson
Ted Schroeder



Supported by the Global Food Systems Innovation program at Kansas State University.